Professor Pavel Kolar, P.T., Paed. Dr., Ph.D.

Professor Kolar is a physiotherapist by training. His instructors, Professor Karel Lewit and the late

Professors Vaclav Vojta and Vladimir Janda, profoundly influenced him in his evolution of DNS. He is

the Director of the Rehabilitation Department, University Hospital Motol, School of Medicine, Charles

University, Prague, Czech Republic. He also acts as an adviser to the Director of the Hospital and serves

as vice-dean of bachelor and master study at Second Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague.

As Director of the Rehabilitation Department, Professor Kolar oversees the following:

1. The Rehabilitation Unit for adult patients, both outpatients and in-patients.

2. The Rehabilitation Unit for children: outpatient and inpatient.

3. The Pain Management Unit: outpatient and inpatient.

4. The Spinal Unit.

5. The School of Physiotherapy.

6. Department of Sports Medicine.

Professor Kolar is renowned for his work in rehabilitation, in addition to his utilization of DNS methods

to celebrities in the world of sports, politics and entertainment. He has been appointed team clinician for

the Czech Olympic teams, Soccer team, Davis Cup tennis teams and national ice hockey teams. He

gained wide recognition for his treatment of former Czech President Vaclav Havel, which included

traveling and serving as the President’s personal clinician when he went abroad. Because of the profound

influence of DNS to rehabilitation in the Czech Republic, Professor Kolar was awarded the prestigious

"Presidential Award for Professional Excellence" by Czech President Vaclav Klaus in 2007. This award

is typically reserved for those in their later years after many decades of significant contributions to

society, while Professor Kolar’s contribution of DNS earned him the coveted award while still in his

early 40’s!!

Professor Kolar is currently directing an extensive research project in his department concerning

developmental kinesiology and its application in early diagnosis of central nervous system disorder in

newborns and infants. He and his trained therapists utilize DNS techniques in the treatment of newborns

and infants with cerebral palsy. Professor Kolar is also currently involved in a second research project,

studying “stabilization and respiratory function of the diaphragm” and its relation to conservative

treatment of back pain syndromes.

In 2009 Pavel Kolar successfully completed his Ph.D. His thesis was: "Dynamic MRI and spirometric

analysis of diaphragmatic activity". From 2009 to 2012 Prof. Kolar accepted an appointment as Adjunct

Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Murdoch University, Australia.

Professor Kolar has taught DNS in numerous countries all over the world.

Professor Kolar resides in Prague with his wife and three children.

Petra Valouchova, MPT, PhD

Petra graduated with a Master’s degree from the Department of Physical Therapy at Palacky

University in Olomouc in 1998. She achieved her Ph.D. in Kinanthropology with a focus on

Biomechanics in 2001. Her main interest is biomechanics and the kinematic analysis of gait.

Since 2002 Petra worked as a physical therapist at the Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine Department

at the Motol University Hospital in Prague.

Petra is a university teacher of physical therapy at the Charles’ University Medical School. Her

lectures include Sports Medicine, Biomechanics, Bobath Concept and Vojta Reflex Locomotion

methods. She has also specialized in surface electromyography assessment and has published several

articles regarding surface electromyographical studies.

As of October 2011, Petra became Chief physiotherapist at the Centre of Movement Medicine located

in Prague ( which is one of the two private clinics owned by Professor Kolář where she

oversees both departments of physical therapy since 2018.

Petra is certified in

- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Vojta Reflex locomotion principle,

- Mobilization and Soft Tissue Techniques according to Lewit, Bobath Method for adults,

- Stecco Fascia Manipulation, and Dry Needling DGSA

She also completed courses in

- Neurodynamics according to Butler, Barral Institute method of Visceral Manipulation

- Mulligan concept

Petra is an expert in Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and is also a certified Instructor in

Developmental Kinesiology and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization since 2002.

Her main focuses in DNS are sport medicine, running athletes, pediatrics, junior athletes, and foot


Petra has been a Fitness Step Team World Champion in 2003 and 2004, and European Champion in


Petra currently resides in Czech Republic, near Prague with her husband, daughter and son.

Professor Pavel Kolar, P.T., Paed. Dr., Ph.D.

Professor Kolar is a physiotherapist by training. His instructors, Professor Karel Lewit and the late

Professors Vaclav Vojta and Vladimir Janda, profoundly influenced him in his evolution of DNS. He is

the Director of the Rehabilitation Department, University Hospital Motol, School of Medicine, Charles

University, Prague, Czech Republic. He also acts as an adviser to the Director of the Hospital and serves

as vice-dean of bachelor and master study at Second Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague.

As Director of the Rehabilitation Department, Professor Kolar oversees the following:

1. The Rehabilitation Unit for adult patients, both outpatients and in-patients.

2. The Rehabilitation Unit for children: outpatient and inpatient.

3. The Pain Management Unit: outpatient and inpatient.

4. The Spinal Unit.

5. The School of Physiotherapy.

6. Department of Sports Medicine.

Professor Kolar is renowned for his work in rehabilitation, in addition to his utilization of DNS methods

to celebrities in the world of sports, politics and entertainment. He has been appointed team clinician for

the Czech Olympic teams, Soccer team, Davis Cup tennis teams and national ice hockey teams. He

gained wide recognition for his treatment of former Czech President Vaclav Havel, which included

traveling and serving as the President’s personal clinician when he went abroad. Because of the profound

influence of DNS to rehabilitation in the Czech Republic, Professor Kolar was awarded the prestigious

"Presidential Award for Professional Excellence" by Czech President Vaclav Klaus in 2007. This award

is typically reserved for those in their later years after many decades of significant contributions to

society, while Professor Kolar’s contribution of DNS earned him the coveted award while still in his

early 40’s!!

Professor Kolar is currently directing an extensive research project in his department concerning

developmental kinesiology and its application in early diagnosis of central nervous system disorder in

newborns and infants. He and his trained therapists utilize DNS techniques in the treatment of newborns

and infants with cerebral palsy. Professor Kolar is also currently involved in a second research project,

studying “stabilization and respiratory function of the diaphragm” and its relation to conservative

treatment of back pain syndromes.

In 2009 Pavel Kolar successfully completed his Ph.D. His thesis was: "Dynamic MRI and spirometric

analysis of diaphragmatic activity". From 2009 to 2012 Prof. Kolar accepted an appointment as Adjunct

Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Murdoch University, Australia.

Professor Kolar has taught DNS in numerous countries all over the world.

Professor Kolar resides in Prague with his wife and three children.

Petra Valouchova, MPT, PhD

Petra graduated with a Master’s degree from the Department of Physical Therapy at Palacky

University in Olomouc in 1998. She achieved her Ph.D. in Kinanthropology with a focus on

Biomechanics in 2001. Her main interest is biomechanics and the kinematic analysis of gait.

Since 2002 Petra worked as a physical therapist at the Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine Department

at the Motol University Hospital in Prague.

Petra is a university teacher of physical therapy at the Charles’ University Medical School. Her

lectures include Sports Medicine, Biomechanics, Bobath Concept and Vojta Reflex Locomotion

methods. She has also specialized in surface electromyography assessment and has published several

articles regarding surface electromyographical studies.

As of October 2011, Petra became Chief physiotherapist at the Centre of Movement Medicine located

in Prague ( which is one of the two private clinics owned by Professor Kolář where she

oversees both departments of physical therapy since 2018.

Petra is certified in

- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Vojta Reflex locomotion principle,

- Mobilization and Soft Tissue Techniques according to Lewit, Bobath Method for adults,

- Stecco Fascia Manipulation, and Dry Needling DGSA

She also completed courses in

- Neurodynamics according to Butler, Barral Institute method of Visceral Manipulation

- Mulligan concept

Petra is an expert in Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and is also a certified Instructor in

Developmental Kinesiology and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization since 2002.

Her main focuses in DNS are sport medicine, running athletes, pediatrics, junior athletes, and foot


Petra has been a Fitness Step Team World Champion in 2003 and 2004, and European Champion in


Petra currently resides in Czech Republic, near Prague with her husband, daughter and son.
